
VINASH is a most effective Post-emergence Non-Selective herbicide to kills the broad spectrum weeds during the most active growth stage of the weed.

Active ingredient        : Glyphosate
Formulation               : 41% SL

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Product Benefits
  • Non-selective post emergent herbicide.

  • Systemic in action:  It is absorbed by foliage and translocated throughout the plant

  • Control hardy weeds : Effective against deep rooted weeds species in orchards

  • Also used pre-harvest desiccation of cotton

  • Can also be used in pre-crop emergence in wide range of crop like carrot, coriander, etc.

  •  No residual effect  hence suitable for all crop rotations

Product Recommendations
Crop Application dose (L /ha) Weeds controls
Grassy, Broad leaf weeds & Sedges
Non-cropped area
2.0 -3.0
Grassy, Broad leaf weeds & Sedges