Vinash Power

VINASH POWER is a water soluble granule formulation of Glyphosate ammonium salt herbicide which are most effective Post-emergence Non-Selective herbicide to kills the broad spectrum weeds.

Active ingredient : Glyphosate Ammonium Salt

Formulation : 71 % SG


Product Benefits
  • BULTON is novel and patented spray dried water dispersible granule (WG) formulation technology of Thiophanate Methyl.

  • BULTON is a cost effective, protective, curative and eradicative multipurpose fungicide which has a broad spectrum control for a number of diseases

  • It delivers superior performance due to its finer particle size, dispersion and provides excellent coverage

  • BULTON exhibits excellent rain-fast characteristics with RF technology

  • BULTON give relative more return of Investment

Product Recommendations
Crop Application dose (kg/ha) Weeds controls
Tea & Non Crop area
3.0 kg.
Grassy, Broad leaf weeds and Sedges